
We had a crazy good poblano soup at my nephew’s wedding in Mexico, and of course decided to come home and try to make it ourselves.  Hopefully you’ll like it as much as we did…and it’ll be good warm, cold or room temp.  Here’s the recipe.

roasted poblano pepper soup - the sam livecast

I shot today’s Livecast alone, not because I wanted to – because I have bronchitis and until the last minute wasn’t shooting anything. And while the show may be not technologically advanced, it’s pretty interesting. And the enchilada? It’s stupid good.

IMPORTANT:  I’m blaming this on my medication, but I incorrectly named BAD PICKLE TEES as bad ass tees during the Livecast.  And while BAD PICKLE TEES are bad ass – there is no bad ass tees – only BAD PICKLE TEES. So check them out, cuz they’re bad ass, I mean the best.  And yo, this most delicious recipe is right here.

scrambled egg enchilada - the sam livecast